Category Archives: Kits

Technozym® ADAMTS-13 Activity

Catalog # 5450701
KIT (96 well)
For research use only

Technozym® ADAMTS-13 Activity is a chromogenic ELISA for the determination of ADAMTS13 activity in human plasma. ADAMTS-13 is an enzyme that specifically cleaves unusually large von Willebrand Factor multimers, which induce platelet thrombus formation under high shear stress. If the activity of ADAMTS13 is lowered for some reason, unusually large vWF multimers may accumulate within blood causing thrombosis due to platelet aggregation.

  • No need for any special technique or instrumentation, just standard ELISA equipment
  • Short assay time (3h)
  • Calibrators and controls included
  • No interferences from bilirubin, hemoglobin or elastase
    Developed with standard HRP/TMB reagents


ADAMTS13 Activity Test Principle
Test Principle


ADAMTS13 Activity Kit Calibration Curve
ADAMTS13 Activity Kit Calibration Curve


ADAMTS13 Activity Measurement Correlation
Correlation of ADAMTS-13 Activity Measurement – Good correlation between the Technozym® ADAMTS-13 Activity ELISA and the vWF multimer method for functional inhibitor determination using the Bethesda type method.


ADAMTS-13 Activity Correlation Comparison
Comparison of Technozym ADAMTS-13 Activity (Chromogenic) ELISA and Tech – Good correlation between chromogenic Technozym® ADAMTS-13 Activity ELISA and fluorogenic Technozym® ADAMTS-13 ELISA.

See also:


ADAMTS13 Brochure
ADAMTS13 Brochure

ADAMTS13 Activity Package Insert
ADAMTS13 Activity Package Insert


Technozym® ADAMTS-13

Catalog # 5450501
ELISA Kit (96 well)
For research use only

Technozym® ADAMTS-13 is fluorogenic ELISA for determination of ADAMTS13 antigen/activity in plasma. ADAMTS13 is the enzyme that cleaves vWF under laminar flow conditions. A failure of function of this enzyme leads to the presence of higher molecular weight forms of vWF and increased platelet aggregation.

See Also:


ADAMTS13 Brochure
ADAMTS13 Brochure

ADAMTS-13 Package Insert
ADAMTS-13 Package Insert


Technozym® ADAMTS-13

Catalog # 5450551
ELISA Kit (48 well)
For research use only

Technozym® ADAMTS-13 is fluorogenic ELISA for determination of ADAMTS13 antigen/activity in plasma. ADAMTS13 is the enzyme that cleaves vWF under laminar flow conditions. A failure of function of this enzyme leads to the presence of higher molecular weight forms of vWF and increased platelet aggregation.

See Also:


ADAMTS13 Brochure
ADAMTS13 Brochure

ADAMTS-13 Package Insert
ADAMTS-13 Package Insert
